piątek, 2 listopada 2018

Second project


I have added second project to GitHub.
This time I have used Spring Boot and Angular in building application with two separate modules - Server and Client.
As for functionality: it allows user to fetch news related to particular category.
There is validation on client's side after which get request to server's URL is send.
There is also validation on server's side after which data may be fetched from remote API.
Response from API may be further processed and in the end data to Client returned.

You can analyze this project if you are interested in learning e.g.:
- How to create REST endpoint in Java.
- How to fetch data using an API.
- How to test logger.

Technologies used in project: Java, Maven, Spring Boot, Angular, JUnit.

See video below for example usage:

GitHub repository is available with following link

Best regards,

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